
ー 出身は?
ー 趣味は?
ー どうして日本に来たいと思ったんですか?
ー 英語の講師を目指したきっかけは何ですか?
ー 英語を学ぶ上でのTipsを教えてください!
ー 将来の夢を教えてください!
ー 最後に、英語学習者へのメッセージをお願いします!
– Where are you from?
My family has been living in the city area since I was born. We are originally from Quezon City but we moved to North Caloocan City when I started school. It is not a very busy area in Metro Manila like Manila and Makati. North Caloocan City is more of a residential area hence, most of the people living here usually know each other.
– What’s your hobby?
Before the pandemic started, I really enjoyed traveling. I already visited most of the beautiful provinces here in the Philippines. I have been to some Asian countries including Japan. Right now, it is still hard to travel in a lot of places due to covid, I started becoming a homebody who loves cooking and watching movies.
– Why did you choose Japan?
I fell in love with Japan when my mother started working there. She went there when I was 6 and we would always visit her in Japan. I enjoyed every visit we had to Japan. I love the culture, the food, the people, and the country itself.
– Why did you become a teacher?
Before entering the university, I already knew that I wanted to become a teacher and I was sure that my calling is teaching. Even when I was in elementary, I would ask my cousins and friends to portray the role of my students and I would discuss random topics and write them on the walls of our house using the chalk I got from our teacher. Teaching is really my passion.
– What are your tips to learn English?
Make it a habit to incorporate English into our daily lives. It can be as a form of communication, reading English books, or even simply watching English movies and listening to English songs. Once we get used to hearing and speaking the language, it can become a milestone in gradually adapting and learning the language.
– What’s your dream / life goal / vision for the future?
My dream for the future is to learn how to speak a lot of languages and become a linguist or a polyglot. I also want to experience different cultures around the world.
– Give a message to English learners!
Let’s enjoy learning English together and use it to explore the world!
Author Profile

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