
ー 出身は?
私はフィリピンのCaloocan City出身です。フィリピンの北部にある都市です。この地域は、首都圏に比べるとそれほど賑やかではありませんが、ほとんど田舎にいるような感覚で、ここでの生活を楽しんでいます。
ー 趣味は?
ー どうして日本に来たいと思ったんですか?
ー 英語の講師を目指したきっかけは何ですか?
ー 英語を学ぶ上でのTipsを教えてください!
ー 将来の夢を教えてください!
ー 最後に、英語学習者へのメッセージをお願いします!
生徒の将来の目標のためにお役に立てれば、これほど嬉しいことはありません。一緒に、英語を使って楽しく学び、新しい発見をしましょう。See you!
– Where are you from?
I am from Caloocan City, Philippines. A a city from the north that is quite close to one of the provinces in the country. The community is not as busy compared to the metro but I enjoy the almost rural feels.
– What’s your hobby?
I am not a very active type of person. I usually just go to work then go straight back home. Still, when I get some free time I love hanging out with my friends. I do travel when there is long vacation to explore beautiful places and have a breather. However, most of the time I just enjoy cooking and watching movies or series I find interesting.
– Why did you choose Japan?
I have close relatives who have been living in Japan for quite a while now. Looking at their posts and also hearing stories from them made me interested at first. I actually got the chance to visit Japan and it made me want to work and live there even more. I believe it will be a dream come true to be in a place that I want while doing the job that I love!
– Why did you become a teacher?
At first I am just interested in the English language that is why I majored it in the university. Eventually, your calling calls you. I started with my first job as an online English teacher and even years later I still enjoy every little thing about it. Here, I meet different students from all walks of life, learn about different countries without even visiting them, and most of all the joy of seeing them learning and improving with my help.
– What are you tips to learn English?
Be confident! Do not be afraid and shy. Do not be afraid in trying to grab those English materials you could see somewhere and choose English movies or short clips to watch and listen to. Being exposed with these resources would help you become more familiar, interested and comfortable with the language. In terms of speaking, it is okay to be shy at first. However, do not let your shyness hinder you from getting that chance to speak the language. Trying and overcoming is the key!
– What’s your dream/ life goal/ vision for the future?
Someday, I would like to take the chance to be able to bring my skills and experiences to a whole new level. I am looking forward to the day I could work in Japan. Sharing them what I know and helping them achieve their life goals while at the same time living my own dream.
– Give a message to English learners!
I am more than glad to be of help in your future goals. Together, let us enjoy learning and discovering new things using the English language. See you!
Author Profile

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