【恵比寿校】 Crizelle先生:あなたのペースに合わせて教えます!
ー 出身は?
ー 趣味は何ですか?
ー 英語の講師を目指したきっかけは何ですか?
ー 英語を学ぶコツは何ですか?
ー 教えるのが得意な分野は何ですか?
ー 将来の夢、目標、ビジョンを教えてください!
ー 最後に、英語学習者へのメッセージをお願いします!
ー Where are you from?
My parents are from Visayas, but I was born and raised in the southern part of Metro Manila, called Las Pinas City. Now, I call Japan my home. I have been living in Japan since 2018, and I have lived around Tokyo, Saitama, and currently Kawasaki.
ー What’s your hobby?
Traveling has become a hobby for me since I moved to Japan. As of this writing, I have visited 20 of the 43 prefectures, some more than once. As a result of my travels, I began to create travel vlogs, which introduced me to the challenge of video editing as a hobby. Cooking and simple baking are some things that I will never get sick of doing.
ー Why did you become a teacher?
When I was a child, I would utilize my stuffed toys and dolls as my students, and I would act as the teacher, using a small blackboard and chalk. Since my childhood, my dream has always been to become a teacher. Unfortunately, I chose a different major in university, which significantly altered my life path. I started teaching English online when I was 22 years old; that was 10 years ago. From then on, I couldn’t stop being an ESL teacher, which I really enjoy. Since moving to Japan, I have been teaching English to both children and adults.
ー What are your tips to learn English?
As a non-Japanese speaker living in Japan, the best advice I can give ESL students is to not be afraid to talk and make mistakes. Most Japanese claim to speak only a little English, yet they can clearly chat! Be confident. Be yourself, and do not hesitate to make friends with foreigners living and traveling in Japan.
ー Which area are you good at teaching?
I am skilled at teaching beginner students to enhance their conversational skills. Learning vocabulary words will help students be more confident when speaking. I struggle speaking Japanese because I lack vocabulary words; even if I want to say something, I cannot say anything.
ー What’s your dream/life goal/vision for the future?
As a foreigner residing in Japan, my ambition is to teach English to as many Japanese as possible, even for free, in order to increase the number of English-speaking Japanese people. Given the opportunity and resources, my ambition is to build a school that will bring a Filipino-quality education system to Japan. If given the opportunity, I would love to study overseas and become a chef.
ー Give a message to English learners!
Learning English might be challenging at first, but it could be fun! Imagine traveling the world with confidence because you can speak the universal language, which is English. Embrace the journey of learning, and remember that each small step brings you closer to your goals, whether it’s connecting with new friends or pursuing your passions. Stay curious and never hesitate to practice; every moment is an opportunity to improve!
Author Profile
- 2024年12月26日講師紹介楽しく英語を学びたい方は【恵比寿校】Cath先生
- 2024年12月19日講師紹介【恵比寿校】 Crizelle先生:あなたのペースに合わせて教えます!
- 2024年11月29日第4回 フィリピンツアーを開催します!
- 2024年11月29日新着記事フライト銀座京橋校OPEN記念イベント