【オンライン】 Isabel先生:根気強く丁寧に指導します!

ー 出身は?
ー 趣味は何ですか?
私の趣味は、マンファ(韓国の漫画)を読むこと、YouTubeのショート動画やアクション・ホラー映画を観ること、携帯ゲームをすることです。また、犬と遊ぶことや、大工のように家具を修理することも好きです。ただし、基本的な作業に限ります。なぜこれをするのか? それは、女性でも男性と同じことができ、時にはもっと上手にできることを証明したいからです。私は、これはフェミニズムの問題ではなく、「個の力」の問題だと考えています。
ー 英語の講師を目指したきっかけは何ですか?
ー 英語を学ぶコツは何ですか?
ー 教えるのが得意な分野は何ですか?
ー 将来の夢、目標、ビジョンを教えてください!
ー 最後に、英語学習者へのメッセージをお願いします!
ー Where are you from?
I’m from Bulacan Philippines located just north of Metro Manila. It is known for its parks, eco-tourism site, and falls.
ー What’s your hobby?
My hobbies are reading Manhwa, watching short YouTube videos, action andd horror movies and playing cellphone games. I also like to play with my dogs and just fix some furniture like what carpenters do but just the basic construction stuff. Why I do it? I like to prove that there are women who can do what men do and sometimes much better. I believe it is not about feminism but about individuality.
ー Why did you become a teacher?
I became a teacher because I am passionate about helping learners explore their potential and achieve their dreams to be successful not just in improving their communication skills but also to be able to use what they learned to gain confidence in their chosen field or their careers. Being a teacher is not just a job but a responsibility and commitment to other people to help them grow and be a better human being.
ー What are your tips to learn English?
My tips for learning English would be for a learner to engage in shadowing practice, watching English videos, podcasts, or movies, read English books, understand the subtle nuances of grammar, like the nooks and crannies so it would be easier to incorporate them when giving a speech or simple handling a conversation in English. Next is to practice speaking in English and to Of course, the most important of all, incorporate English into daily routines and enjoy it.
ー Which area are you good at teaching?
As for the areas that I am good at, I can handle general conversation, grammar and pronunciation and TOEIC and OPIC tests.
ー What’s your dream/life goal/vision for the future?
My dream is to support my students in developing a positive attitude toward learning English and to have my own house with a big backyard for my dogs and cats. “Keep practicing every day! Speak with confidence, learn from mistakes, and enjoy the journey. Fluency comes with time and effort!
ー Give a message to English learners!
As a teacher, it always pleases me that English learners share their curiosity, resilence and diligence to do everything to learn as best as they could. It’s okay to make mistakes because we learn from them. We can be as good as we can get from those mistakes. What we should value when learning English is our hope of reaching our full potential to be an inspiration to other learners who strive to get to where we are now. Let’s be a great motivation and inspiration.
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- 2025年2月26日フライト英会話 創立5周年 記念イベント
- 2025年2月4日講師紹介【オンライン】 Fred先生:熱い気持ちをもって指導します!
- 2025年2月4日講師紹介【オンライン】 Isabel先生:根気強く丁寧に指導します!
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