【オンライン】 Joash先生:丁寧に寄り添った指導をします!

ー 出身は?
ー 趣味は何ですか?
ー 英語の講師を目指したきっかけは何ですか?
ー 英語を学ぶコツは何ですか?
ー 教えるのが得意な分野は何ですか?
ー 将来の夢、目標、ビジョンを教えてください!
ー 最後に、英語学習者へのメッセージをお願いします!
ー Where are you from?
I am from Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines. They call this city as “City of the Star”, because there are many artists living in this city. It is a hinge of the modern cities and the provinces of Central Luzon.
ー What’s your hobby?
I am fond of watching documentary movies, walking every day for at least an hour, and writing a personal journal. I find these hobbies very integral for my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects’ growth and development.
ー Why did you become a teacher?
I love teaching. Even when I was young, like 6 years old, I was already acting like teaching my younger cousins. Eventually, that inner passion grew into a dream and later on became a reality. I was given an opportunity to study in a university with the course Bachelor of Education major in English.
ー What are your tips to learn English?
Learning the language of English could not be learned overnight. It really needs a great desire and persisting will to learn it. You have to really be serious in studying it and it manifest on what actions you are taking for this. You have to exhaust all efforts like downloading a grammar PDF or buying books, watching American movies, practicing talking in English language every day and even enrolling into a course program that teaches the language like PHLIGHT.
ー Which area are you good at teaching?
I have been mastering grammar and conversation. I believe that these two are fundamental in expanding my ability to learn English language in all sorts.
ー What’s your dream/life goal/vision for the future?
I see myself as one of the Filipino staff of PHLIGHT. I want to share my skills and abilities as an educator graduate and enthusiast in this company.
ー Give a message to English learners!
There will be nothing too hard for someone who has an unquenchable desire to grow and learn. Always remember that at the first stage of learning the language of English, it will really be difficult. However, you have to hold on and endure, for after that stage, things will be easier for you as you go along with your constant discipline of studying it. Do not give; you can pause for a while, but never give up. You can certainly do it and you can reach your goal.
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