【オンライン】 Mai先生:優しくペースに合わせて教えます!

ー 出身は?
ー 趣味は何ですか?
私の趣味は、YouTubeの動画を見ることです。特に、異なる国々で人々が日常生活を紹介するブログ(vlog)を観るのが好きです。遠くにいても、彼らの生活スタイルや文化を実際に体験しているかのように感じられ、世界を独自の視点で覗くことができます。私のお気に入りのYouTubeチャンネルは「Xiu’s house」です。これはずっと変わらない、お気に入りのチャンネルです。
ー 英語の講師を目指したきっかけは何ですか?
ー 英語を学ぶコツは何ですか?
ー 教えるのが得意な分野は何ですか?
ー 将来の夢、目標、ビジョンを教えてください!
ー 最後に、英語学習者へのメッセージをお願いします!
ー Where are you from?
I am from Cebu, Philippines. I originally live at the suburbs of the city, but now I live at the province of Compostela. It is one hour and 18 minutes way from where I was before. I love my current home because it is relaxing and peaceful at the countryside.
ー What’s your hobby?
My hobby is watching YouTube videos, particularly vlogs of people showcasing their daily lives in different countries. It feels like I’m experiencing their lifestyles and cultures firsthand, even from afar, offering me a unique window into the world. And my favorite YouTube channel is Xiu’s house. It is my all-time favorite and I do not think it’s going to change for a long time.
ー Why did you become a teacher?
I became a teacher because I find it deeply rewarding to help students learn the English language. I understand the challenges of learning a new language, and if I can support my students in even the smallest way, it gives me a true sense of accomplishment.
ー What are your tips to learn English?
To truly master English, immerse yourself in it every day. Consistent exposure and practice are the most effective ways to achieve fluency.
It has worked for many who have the discipline and determination to learn the language. While it may seem difficult and discouraging at first, with constant practice, you will become fluent in speaking English.
ー Which area are you good at teaching?
Conversation and pronunciation are among my strongest areas when it comes to teaching English. I’ve practiced English for a long time; therefore, I am confident in my teaching skills. Not to mention, I have over five years of experience in the ESL industry and am a licensed professional.
ー What’s your dream/life goal/vision for the future?
I aspire to excel in everything I do and achieve success in all aspects of life.
Currently, I am aspiring to become a writer. It hasn’t been easy—there are many obstacles I need to overcome. However, with time and perseverance, I am sure to improve. I hope you too!
ー Give a message to English learners!
Learning a language is difficult. It’s never as easy as saying 1, 2, 3. But if you continue to work on it, you’ll master the language in no time.
So, don’t give up! Always keep trying, no matter how challenging it gets. Every effort you put in will bring you one step closer to success, and in the end, you’ll see that all the hard work was truly worth it.
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