ー 出身は?
ー 英語の講師を目指したきっかけは何ですか?
ー 英語を学ぶコツは何ですか?
ー 将来の夢、目標、ビジョンを教えてください!
ー 最後に、英語学習者へのメッセージをお願いします!
– Where are you from?
I am from an urban area called Mandaue City from the province of Cebu, located at the central part of the Philippines. I was born and raised in this city and this city has always been my home. Mandaue City is urbanized with all the hustle and bustle of a big city but I always feel that it has a peaceful and laid-back atmosphere.
– Why did you become a teacher?
I participated in a summer activity coordinated by our barangay teen organization wherein we teach kids from the ages of 4-13 about our religion. The happy faces and the eagerness to learn and participate in our lessons inspired me to pursue the education career.
– What are your tips to learn English?
Let’s embrace English in our daily lives. Incorporating it in our routines can aid us to learn the language; routines like exercising, meditating, and cooking wherein we can watch videos and listen to English instructions; reading an English article can support our reading skill too and keep us apprised of current world news; and watching English movies can help English learners as well. Practicing it with a friend or in front of the mirror is also a major help for fluency in English. Let us not shy away in embracing English, besides you have us to help you along the way!
– What’s your dream/life goal/vision for the future?
I would love to see my students be a part of their own learning. As a teacher, my vision is to let students find enjoyment in their learning of the English language; to be able to communicate ideas despite their mistakes and still continue to have fun in learning; to be able to explore the wonders and complexities of the English language. It is a dream to make students realize that English is challenging but it is also exciting to master.
Personally, my goal is to be a better cook and a better baker. I hope to be better at making frosting and piping frosting to my cakes.
– Give a message to English learners!
Hi! Let’s give it our best to learn English and practice it! Together, learning English is possible! When it becomes hard to study, if we work together, we can achieve great heights! In no time, we will be communicating in English fluently! So, come on and let’s do this!
Author Profile
- 2024年12月26日講師紹介楽しく英語を学びたい方は【恵比寿校】Cath先生
- 2024年12月19日講師紹介【恵比寿校】 Crizelle先生:あなたのペースに合わせて教えます!
- 2024年11月29日第4回 フィリピンツアーを開催します!
- 2024年11月29日新着記事フライト銀座京橋校OPEN記念イベント